Women in Artsy Photography

It really irks me how often women* in ‘artsy’ photography, especially in art-erotica and high fashion photography, look and pose like corpses. I am by no means the first to point this out, but I was reminded of the issue when I stumbled upon this Helmut Newton image. It could be a really great, really interesting, …

First, there is no naturalized gendered body. All of our bodies are modified with regard to gender, whether we seek out surgery or take hormones or not. All of us engage in or have engaged in processes of gender body modification (diets, shaving, exercise regimes, clothing choices, vitamins, birth control. etc) that alter our bodies, …

He was sensitive not only to the architectonics of the spider, the blandishment of the rainbow and the shape of flowers, but even to the beauty of a man’s body (the mores did not permit him to comment on the beauty of a woman’s body). – Max Baym. “Early Intimations of Aesthetic Sensibility.” A History …